SMC Gains Non-Profit Status!

Aug 25, 2016 | 6 comments

It has been awhile since you have heard from us, but we have been far from letting the time pass by. Two years have passed since the dream of Sister Mary’s Children burst into reality. Our team has been tirelessly working to bring life to this dream.  With that, we have our biggest news yet to share with you!

On June 14, Sister Mary’s Children received notice from the United States Department of The Treasury of our acceptance as a public charity and non-profit status with exemption from federal income tax. What this really means is, Sister Mary’s Children is now a recognized charity with tax deduction for donations! The work of Sister Mary’s Children board members and supporters has made this possible. A process that can often take more than 3 years to come to completion was fully realized in a matter of months due to sheer determination, incredible mentorship, and the support of all of you. We could not be more ecstatic to share this incredible news with you, our supporters. 

So what’s next? We have some pretty amazing things in the works and are excited to share. Keep an eye out for project updates from the Sister Mary’s Children partners on and the Sister Mary’s Children Facebook. And as great as letters and social media are, we are anxious to provide an opportunity for all of our supporters to come together and celebrate the last two years and the amazing things ahead! Plans are in the works…

Thank you again for all of your support. You energize our efforts and fuel the future of Sister Mary’s Children.